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Ouvrage (traduction)
Fabien Truong, Radicalized loyalties : becoming Muslim in the West, trad. par Seth Ackerman, Cambridge, UK : Polity Press, juillet 2018 - 187 p.
There is widespread concern today about the “radicalization” of young muslim men, and the deprived areas of Western cities are believed to have become breeding grounds of home-grown extremism. But how do young Muslims growing up in the cities of the West really live ?
This book takes us beyond the rhetoric and into the housing estates on the outskirts of Paris to meet Adama, Radouane, Hassan, Tarik, Marley, and a shadowy figure whose name suddenly and brutally became known to the world at the time of the Charlie Hebdo shootings : Amédy Coulibaly. Seeing Amédy through the eyes of close friends and other young Muslim men in the neighbourhoods where they grew up, Fabien Truong uncovers a network of competing loyalties and maps the road these youths take to resolve the conflicts they face : becoming Muslim. For these young men, Islam stands, often alone, as a resource, a gateway – as if it were the last route to “escape” without betrayal and to “fight” in a meaningful and noble way.
Becoming Muslim does not necessarily lead to the radicalized “other”. It is more like a long-distance race, a powerful reconversion of the self that allows for introspection and change. But it can also lead to a belligerent presentation of the self that transforms a dead-end into a call to arms.
– ISBN : 978-1-5095-1934-7 / 978-1-5095-1935-4
– Voir sur le site de l’éditeur
Traduction de : Loyautés radicales. L’islam et les « mauvais garçons de la nation », Paris : La Découverte, 2017 - 250 p.
Professeur agrégé au département de sociologie et d’anthropologie à l’Université Paris 8
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